<<prva stran<<
19. marec '99 (rev. 21.03):
Violeta Bulc je seveda izvršna podpredsednica uprave podjetja Telemach,
takorekoč "frontwoman" tega podjetja, pogosto predstavljena
tudi kot vizionarka Telemacha. Njen portret si lahko ogledate tudi
na Telemachovih
straneh. Za malce manj uradne podatke pa berite naprej.
Manj pogosto pa zasledimo podatek, da je bila do septembra 1999
tudi sodelavka mag. Mirana Krambergerja na Telekomu.
Kaj se je torej zgodilo, da je po nekaj mesecih presedlala k morda
edini nastajajoči konkurenci Telekomu? Da je Miran Kramberger skorajda
"bog in batina" v svojem podjetju, skorajda ni dvoma.
Vendar pa tudi Violeta Bulc deluje zelo odločna in neuklonljiva.
In ko se je konec lanskega leta zaradi ene od tožb proti Telekomu
kot priča pojavila na Uradu za varstvo konkurence, je bilo menda
zaznati nezadovoljstvo nad dejstvom, da so v Telekomu vse niti v
rokah enega človeka.
No, očitno pa je Violeta že dalj časa razmišljala o odhodu. V intervjuju
za New York Times
je že leta 1998 razlagala, da dolgoročno ne misli ostati v Telekomu.
Intervju iz omenjenega časopisa objavljamo v celoti:
New York Times, October 8, 1998
Voices From the Emerging European Net
Violeta Bulc, 36, Director, Telekom Slovenije, Slovenia
Violeta Bulc did not pursue computer studies for political
reasons. "I had a great childhood in Yugoslavia,"
she says. "Someone showed me a computer when I got to
the University and I said OK, let's give it a try."
She graduated five years later, in 1987, then moved with her
boyfriend (now husband) to San Francisco. They lived there
for six years, he as an employee of Bechtel, she as a business
student and then network analyst at DHL. "I left half
my heart in San Francisco," she says with a straight
She returned to Yugoslavia, now Slovenia, in June 1994. It
was a different country. "I was happy that things had
changed," she says. Three years later she is responsible
for a 15-member department charged with making Telecom Slovenia
the carrier of choice in the Balkans. "I was lucky,"
she says. "I was in the right place at the right time."
Over the last 18 months the growth has been explosive. "You
can feel the dynamic," she says. "The market is
booming. We introduced Internet access earlier in the year
and already have 9,000 subscribers."
The future? "In the long run I will try to go on my own,"
she says, with a smile ...
Ameriški "new - economy" pristop lahko močno čutimo tudi
na primeru Telemacha. Ogromno govora o načrtih, velike vsote "venture"
kapitala, zagnanost in dinamičnost... Na drugi strani pa tudi pomanjkanje
konkretnih storitev in predvsem opiranje na storitve, ki bodo -
ali pa tudi ne - komercialno zanimive v prihodnosti.